Introducing Our New Service Plus Club Maintenance Program

A woman relaxing on a couch

We want to extend a helping hand to our customers by introducing a new Service Plus Club maintenance plan with increased benefits at less cost. At Service Plus we understand the value, savings, and peace of mind from performing regular maintenance on your heating, cooling, and plumbing equipment, so we are making our Service Plus Club membership more convenient and affordable.

Now, for as little as $8.25 per month you can join our maintenance plan and increase the efficiency, extend the life, and minimize the risk of an unexpected break down of your furnace, air conditioner, or water heater. That is a savings of $60 from our annual Service Plus Club price of $159. Our Service Plus Club members save on average over $900 per year on discounts and coupons from our maintenance program! 

Benefits obeing a Service Plus Club member 

We visit your home twice a year to inspect and service your heating and cooling system. Once per year we will also schedule a visit to inspect and service your plumbing system and water heater.  

Here are a few additional, key benefits: 

  • Front-of-the-line priority scheduling 
  • Prevent unexpected breakdowns 
  • Semi-annual heating & cooling system tune-ups 
  • Water heater maintenance & flush 
  • Valuable coupons & discounts 
  • Validate warranties 

The value of regular maintenance 

Energy Star states, “Proper maintenance by a qualified technician is one of the most important steps you can take to prevent future problems.” Your furnace, air conditioner and water heater are expensive pieces of equipment that need to be maintained to work efficiently, safely and prevent unexpected breakdowns. With regular maintenance from our certified technicians, you can expect consistent performance and extend the life of your equipment! 

Energy Star logo

Prevent unexpected breakdowns 

Nothing is worse than an unexpected furnace or air conditioner breakdown, the mess and damage of a leaky water heater, or a costly repair bill. Save yourself the trouble and expense with regular maintenance by becoming a member of the Service Plus Club. 

Extend the life oyour system 

Just like your car, regular maintenance will extend the life of your furnace, air conditioner and water heater. By having our expert technicians inspect and service your system, you will be sure to get the most out of your equipment. 

Boost efficiency and lower heating costs 

Energy efficiency is critical. According to the U.S Department of Energy, with proper care and preventive maintenance, your heating and cooling system will work at optimal efficiency and help you save up to 30% on energy bills. 

Validate the manufacturer warranty 

Most manufacturers’ warranties require regular maintenance. Having our expert technicians come into your home to service your heating, cooling and plumbing system will validate your equipment’s warranty. 

Call to join and start saving now!

Join the Service Plus Club now and enjoy the benefits of regular maintenance on your home’s most important systems and equipment. Call (317) 376-8392 today to learn more and sign up for as little as $8.25 per month!

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