Seven Signs You Need a New Furnace

A malfunctioning furnace is a serious concern. Though it might be possible to repair a faulty furnace, in some instances it makes more sense to invest in a completely new system. Let’s take a look at some of the telltale signs that indicate it is time to replace your furnace.

1. Odd Sights, Smells, and Sounds

Stand by your furnace every once in a while to gauge its general condition. If you notice signs of corrosion, cracking, or odd sounds/smells such as a banging or grinding noise, it might be time for a replacement. Of critical importance is the smell of the furnace room. Though a musty smell at the start of the season is expected, a lingering odor is an indication that it might be prudent to replace the system.

2. Seemingly Endless Repairs

If your furnace keeps acting up and requires repairs every year, you would be better served plunking down the cash for a new system. A new furnace will put a stop to those repair bills, make your home more comfortable, reduce your energy costs, and give you peace of mind.

3. Your Home is Overly Dusty

If you have tried to clean the dust off your dressers, electronics, furniture, and other items, yet can’t get rid of it, your furnace might be at fault. A properly functioning furnace will eliminate airborne particles from hot air. If you haven’t changed the filter in years, there might be internal damage to the system’s components that necessitates a replacement.

4. A Lack of Warm Air

An old furnace that emits lukewarm or cool air should be immediately replaced. There is no sense in paying a monthly energy bill when your system isn’t generating hot air. Invest in a new furnace and you’ll enjoy a steady flow of hot air throughout the winter.

5. A Failure to Cycle Properly

Furnaces are designed to emit hot air until your home reaches a temperature above the level you selected. If the system cycles on and off in a repeated fashion or if it runs continuously, something is seriously wrong. These are indications that the furnace is not functioning as designed and likely needs to be replaced.

6. Your Heating Costs Have Spiked

If you notice an increase in your heating bills yet you haven’t raised the temperature, it is time to have a new furnace installed. A new system will provide clean air without exerting as much energy as older models.

7. Age

An old system is a ticking time bomb of sorts. Older furnaces have the potential to give out in the middle of the winter and leave you without heat when you so desperately need it. If your furnace is more than 10 or 15 years old, it is time to replace it now so you aren’t left scrambling for a new unit in the dead of winter.

Furnace Replacement in Fishers, Indiana

If you need help deciding whether or not your heating system should be replaced completely or just repaired, get in touch with the HVAC experts at Service Plus!