How Can Indoor Air Quality Help Relieve Spring Allergies?

Woman sneezing from vacuuming

Just when you thought it was safe to open the windows and breathe in the spring air, you start sneezing! There are allergens aplenty, both outdoor and indoor. Still, we have a tip for you: Having good indoor air quality can help relieve spring allergies, and Service Plus, serving Indianapolis and surrounding counties, can help!

The snuff on spring allergies

If you don’t have seasonal allergies, it’s almost certain you have friends and family who do. Yet while living in the Hoosier state, we can count our blessings, as Indianapolis ranks only 75th out of the top 100 metropolitan areas for seasonal allergies, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America’s 2021 Allergy Capitals report.

Spring allergies typically include pollen, mold, grass, and even dust mites, whose peak breeding season begins in May.

How do outdoor allergens enter the home?

We’ve had a reasonably mild spring so far, and it’s in our bones to want to open the windows to allow fresh air to enter. With that fresh air also comes particles so small you can’t see, but they begin to wreak havoc for allergy sufferers with watery, itchy eyes and sometimes uncontrollable sneezing.

Turning on your A/C, while you may not want to yet, is one easy way to stop allergens from floating right through window screens and open doors.

Another way allergens enter our home: They walk right in … on the bottoms of shoes! One easy – and a free – way to lessen this chance is by removing shoes when you step into your home. This dramatically reduces your risk of tracking everything on the soles of your shoes inside your house.

How can your HVAC system help with spring allergies?

Allergens – especially mold and dust mites – love humidity. By turning on your A/C, you’ll not only feel perfect comfort in your home, but you’ll also be lowering your indoor humidity, so the growth of mold and dust mites is more controlled.

A clean air filter in your HVAC system improves your indoor air quality because its purpose is to filter impurities in the air, allowing the air circulating through your vents to be clean and free from dust, pet dander, and even bacteria.

Service Plus has the answers and resources to improve your indoor air quality in Indianapolis and surrounding areas. Our Service Plus Club annual maintenance program gives our customers peace of mind that their HVAC system will run smoothly and efficiently and that they will have the best quality of indoor air this spring and all through the summer.

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