Is Your Bathroom the Germiest Room of the House?

Common sense would have us believe that the bathroom — and, more specifically, the toilet — is the dirtiest area of the home. But according to recent research from NSF International, the toilet seat isn’t even one of the top 10 germiest surfaces in most households.

Sponge and dish soap

No, your bathroom probably isn’t the worst offender when it comes to bacteria like salmonella and E. coli. These spots, on the other hand, tend to collect more germs than the average toilet seat:

  • Cutting boards — 18 percent contain coliform, a potentially dangerous bacteria
  • Stove and oven knobs — 14 percent of knobs tested harbored coliform bacteria
  • Kitchen counters — a whopping 32 percent were contaminated with coliform bacteria
  • Pet toys — 23 percent contain staph bacteria, which is potentially hazardous
  • Sponges and dish towels — 77 percent of dish sponges and rags had coliform bacteria, the germiest of them all

That’s not to say you should clean your bathroom any less. One of the reasons the toilet isn’t so germy is that homeowners tend to give this area a little extra TLC. However, you might want to disinfect your kitchen a bit more often!

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