New homeowners, rejoice! Getting the keys to your new home is an exciting milestone. It’s why we at Service Plus Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing created our New Homeowner Series to help people become better acquainted with their new environment. We believe it is important to get to know your heating, cooling and plumbing systems which is why we offer our New Homeowner Inspection & Orientation service to check out your equipment and help you become familiar with these important components of you home.
In part two of this series, we will focus on ways to keep your heating and cooling (HVAC) system in top shape.
If you missed part one on getting to know your plumbing system, you can find our advice here.
Your home’s furnace and air conditioner control all of your heating and cooling. It’s also one of the most expensive appliances inside your home, which is why you want to take great care of it.
Here are three ways you can keep your HVAC system in top shape.
Change your air filter
Regularly changing your air filter is one of the quickest and easiest ways to keep your furnace and air conditioner running smoothly. When not changed on time, the system has to work harder to push air through that’s most likely filled with pollen and dust.
Get a smart thermostat
Not only can you get a smart thermostat that matches the aesthetics of your home décor (hello, upgrades!), they can help you save money and energy in the long run. Smart thermostats allow you to control the temperature remotely via your smart device. They can also recommend specific temperatures to help you save money.
Call for help
While some homeowners are great at DIY projects, it’s best to hand large issues off to trusted professionals like those at Service Plus. Waiting to call for help could cause HVAC problems to worsen.
If you have concerns about your furnace or air conditioner or are in need of a repair, give Service Plus a call at [csad_phone]. We’ll be sure to address all concerns and provide high-quality service.