Preparing for Fall Floods

With El Nino conditions expected, we in the greater Indianapolis area might just be in store for a warm, dry fall. Still, as we all know, when it rains, it pours. Are you prepared to deal with the potential for flooding?

Rainy weather

There’s no stopping a rainstorm, but there are steps you can take to prevent a flood and limit damage to your home:

  • Set up backflow valves or standpipes in order to keep sewer lines from backing up
  • Place appliances like washers, dryers and furnaces over concrete blocks to keep them away from rising water
  • Consider installing a sump pump system, especially in basements
  • Add erosion-resistant plant life to your property’s landscaping
  • Move family keepsakes and important documents out of the basement and into a higher level of your house
  • If your home is prone to flooding, install a flood-detection system

It’s also important to keep you and your family safe in the event of a flood. Put the following items together in a “go-bag“:

  • A change of clothing for every family member
  • Insurance information, including your policy number, your agent’s phone number, and the main number of your agency
  • Must-have toiletries
  • Enough cash to get you through several days

In the unfortunate event that your home suffers from a flood, you can count on the local plumbers from Service Plus Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to repair or install any of the following:

  • Boilers, radiators and heating systems
  • Septic systems
  • Main sewer backup
  • New fixture installation

Keep our number handy: [csa_client_dni]. Don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for more tips!