Have you called a truce? Probably not if you’re reading this article. There are a lot of things your family could disagree on, but here we’re talking about the great thermostat war. It can be a never-ending battle when your family can’t agree on the perfect temperature for your Indianapolis home. At Service Plus, we’ve seen it all. Someone thinks it’s too cold, so they turn the temperature up, and another person believes it’s too warm, so they turn the thermostat down.
Fortunately, there are ways to lower the tension in your home. Here are short and long-term ideas we’ve suggested to customers.
If you need comfort immediately…
Grab the layers: Putting on layers of clothes or even an extra blanket can feel as if you’re throwing in the towel, but you’re just doing what’s best for you. You’ll want to dress for the season and try your best to convince others in your home to do the same. In the summer, try moisture-wicking fabrics, and in the winter, add a comfy sweatshirt.
Dig out the portable fans and space heaters: If you’re the only one rallying for a different temperature, maybe there is an easier way to solve your household’s problems. Portable fans and heaters are great for individual use and can be comforting without bothering everyone else in the family.
If you plan to battle the war until the end…
Try a Ductless HVAC system: Our ductless mini-split systems operate like a smaller version of a typical central air conditioner. Most ductless HVAC systems are heat pumps that offer heating and cooling in one compact system to provide excellent performance in a small package. The best part? They offer the convenience of zoned HVAC, which means individual control of temperatures for each room or zone. Now, that could cause the thermostat war to end for good.
Take a look at your HVAC system: When was the last time you’ve had your heating and cooling system replaced or inspected? Older systems don’t run efficiently and can cost extra money every time your home’s temperature changes. You’ll want to be on the lookout for those with Energy Star ratings. Always know you can call our team of expert technicians at Service Plus for a quality inspection that could end the war.
No matter how bad the battle is inside your home, your friends at Service Plus want all Indianapolis-area neighbors to live comfortably. Give us a call at [csad_phone] to schedule an appointment.