#TipTuesday: Coupons & Specials

What better way to celebrate Tip Tuesday than by pointing you to our coupons and specials? Here at Service Plus Heating, Cooling & Plumbing, we offer a variety of discounts for just about every service. However, a lot of these coupons expire at the end of the year — so now’s the time to cash them in!

$49 off any service

49 off service

No matter what repair you need, mention this special and we’ll take $49 off the total cost. Please note that this coupon cannot be used for service calls, just for repairs.

A/C tune up for just $59


Sure, summer may be over. But now’s the time to have your cooling equipment tuned up! This way, you’ll be set when temperatures rise again next spring. Coupon expires 12/31/15, so call us today.

Main line drain clearing for just $79


If your main line drain needs some TLC, take advantage of this offer, which expires at the end of the year. If we don’t clear your drain, it’s free!

$200 off a water heater


Is it time to upgrade your home’s water heater? Allow Service Plus Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to install your new 50-gallon natural gas or electric water heater, and save $200.

FREE whole-house plumbing inspection


Get your home’s plumbing looked at before the end of 2015 for free! What better way to prepare for (and prevent) frozen pipes this winter?

To make an appointment, give us a call at [csa_client_dni] right now. Don’t forget to find Service Plus Heating, Cooling & Plumbing on Facebook and Twitter for more tips!